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RFWA Priorities Document
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Prioritise LGBTIQA+ Law Reform in WA
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About us
Rainbow Futures WA is a consortium of WA-based LGBTIQA+ community organisations and individuals concerned with the long-term well-being of the community. It has grown out of a series of community gatherings, bringing together members of LGBTIQA+ groups and individuals around WA. Join our Supporters Group on Facebook or Contact Us to be added to our mailing list.

Our mission
Rainbow Futures WA aims to ensure the long-term viability of WA-based LGBTIQA+ organisations in order to meet the need for LGBTIQA+ services and advocacy into the future. We will:
- Explore sustainable ways for working together now and into the future
- Underpin LGBTIQA+ community capacity-building and development work, by building state-based strengths and partnerships
- Attract opportunities for funding, advocacy, and consultation on LGBTIQA+ issues, and be a respected voice for, or conduit to, its state members
- Build a cohesive plan for the growth of LGBTIQA+ community organisations