
Launch of WA LGBTIQA+ Priorities Survey

In honour of International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex discrimination and Transphobia, Rainbow Futures WA has released our WA LGBTIQA+ priorities survey.

This survey is our second ever priorities survey. Our first survey (2020) captured over 300 LGBTIQA+ and ally perspectives about the issues they think are important to the community. The survey report (2021) can be viewed here.

We used this information to create the WA LGBTIQA+ Priorities document and have been using it to lobby for LGBTIQA+ law reform for over three years.

We are seeing some change – the WA Government recently announced their plans for gender recognition reform, funding for LGBTIQA+ organisations, and plans to establish a WA LGBTIQA+ peak advocacy body and LGBTIQA+ strategy.

However, there are many changes we are yet to see – stronger protections for LGBTIQA+ people under the WA Equal Opportunity Act, conversion practices banned, and surrogacy laws to make altruistic surrogacy available to all people, not just women and heterosexual couples.

Meanwhile, the government remains dismissive of the need for reform of deferrable medical interventions that modify the bodies of babies and children with intersex variations without their personal informed consent.

If you are an LGBTIQA+ person, ally, family member or friend in WA – please take some time to let us know what is important to the LGBTIQA+ community in Western Australia. We want to make sure our advocacy continues to reflect what is important to you. Your voice matters in shaping the future of LGBTIQA+ rights and protections in WA.

This survey is open from 17 May 2024 (IDAHOBIT) to 11:59pm 17 July 2024.

Fill out the survey here.